Harbour Energy buys Wintershall Dea's oil and gas assets for $11.2 billion

Who would have thought the London market would see one of the biggest deals of 2023 announced in the penultimate week of the year.

But this afternoon it happened, with London-listed North Sea oil and gas explorer Harbour Energy announcing a deal to buy Wintershal Dea's assets for $11.2 billion from Germany's BASF and LetterOne, which is backed by sanction-hit Russian oligarchs Mikhail Fridman and Petr Aven...


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Date: Thursday, 21 December 2023, 6:48 pm

[Disclaimer - the information on Betaville does not consitute any form of investment recommendation and is not intended to be relied upon by readers in making, or refraining from, any investment decisions].

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