Betaville Intelligence

BREAKING: AstraZeneca buys Alexion Pharmaceuticals for $39 billion, confirming Betaville's scoops...

Whoa! Alexion Pharmaceuticals, the US-listed pharmaceuticals stock, has just sold itself to FTSE 100-listed AsztraZeneca for $39 billion in cash and stock.

Now, in case you don't recall little old Betaville revealed several weeks ago that Alexion Pharmaceuticals was back in play with multiple articles on Betaville Intelligence. I will paste them below:..


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Date: Saturday, 12 December 2020, 1:24 pm

[Disclaimer - the information on Betaville does not consitute any form of investment recommendation and is not intended to be relied upon by readers in making, or refraining from, any investment decisions].

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