Posts tagged: Solutions 30

Bain Capital said to be circling Solutions 30 with takeover bid, reveals Bloomberg

Thursday, 21 April 2022, 10:29 pm

Bain Capital, the private equity firm founded by former presidential candidate Mitt Romney, is "weighing a deal" for Solutions 30.

Well, that's according to Bloomberg hacks, who this evening revealed that the buy-out firm has been speaking with advisers about the potential investment in the embatted European technology services company, which been targeted by some the short seller types amid some very fruity allegations...


The fight back at Solutions 30 begins ... or does it? - Part 3

Tuesday, 15 December 2020, 9:36 pm

Solutions 30, the under siege Paris-listed outsourcing company, collapsed almost 40pc today to close at around EURO 9.1.

So, clearly the company's statement from earlier in the week alleging all sorts failed to reassure investors, who are likely to have been spooked by Carson Block's Muddy Waters wading in.

Below is a link to the FT's report on this bizarre tale:..